Friday, November 2, 2007

permissions and gnome font cache

I managed somehow to break the permissions on /var/tmp on my OpenSolaris box.

I was messing with my users primary groups (and not paying enough attention or making
ing enough notes)

this causes a few issues for gnome and cde failsafe - ie you cant log in and non
root users couldn't even get a failsafe session.

I fixed that, ran gnome-cleanup and tried again cde and failsafe where ok for all
users but, still no gnome goodness
Why do I want gnome for my server? - because I'm thinking of putting a Sun Ray in
the front room - its nice to have google and wikipedia to settle arguments in the house.

Anyway - back to my gnome problem - logs is what I need.

I enabled logging for my user in my $HOME/.dtprofile by changing this line:
export dtstart_sessionlogfile="/dev/null"

to point to /tmp/mydtlog
don't forget to touch the file to create it.

tailing the file on login I was getting segfaults and coredumps when Xsession launched

after some googling, and then some opensolaris searching I eventually found this post

Which while not quite what I was experiencing made some sense to me I remember we had similar problems on our Sun Ray servers in the labs before thought that time Wilson fixed it! so I ran:

root@frank / $ find /usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts -name fonts.cache-1 -exec {} \;
root@frank / $ fc-cache -s

Volia - all is well!

gnome is back for my user and it works for root correctly now as well

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