Wednesday, February 27, 2008

CentOS 5 domU out of thin air

UPDATE: As Matt pointed out it's DomU not Dom0!

I finally got around to working out how to pull a CentOS install out of thin air without messing about with out of date images from and fiddling about trying to find xen aware kernels to boot (harder than it sounds when you only have one machine of each type of architecture/OS and don't want to dual boot)

root@frank xVM $ virt-install -n centy -r 512 --vcpus=1 --nographics --os-type=linux -p -f /dev/zvol/dsk/tank/xVM/centy -l -d

once its up it will drop you back to the shell prompt and tell you to reconnect for the domain console.

Just do

xm console centy

to get a console connection and run through the normal install wizard from there.

run through install procedure as normal pulling everything down across the internet - it used to be much slower doing this when I used to install redhat across an ISDN connection - thank you broadband.


Anonymous said...

Is it not DomU instead of Dom0?

Can never remember which way round it is :P

Anyway.. Tried posting this with openID authentication, but it doesn't seem to happy with my site's openID config, maybe things have moved on from the version im running :P

Ahh well, another thing to add to the list :P


Anonymous said...

W00t! openID auth server fixed :)


Boris Derzhavets said...

I've tried to reproduce at SNV85
Dom0 ( xen bits 3.1.2):-

View xen-discuss forum