Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The VMs are taking over!

We have a slight issue with abuse of virtualization in this house.
Hosts you can't see as they don't advertise any services the Mac is aware off or are on other subnets include:

Under xVM on Solaris:
centy - cent OS 
fariycake - XP
cupcake - XP

Under VMware Fusion on the Mac:
debs - Debian

VirtualBox on the Mac:
MacBunty - Ubuntu 7.10
Haiku - BeOS clone

Parallels on the Mac
React -  ReactOS windows clone
Hank - XP 

What is more amazing is that I actually find a use for most of them at some point or other. Ok react OS and Haiku are more curiosity than anything else but because of the huge number of virtualization options I have they to can find a home for them. 

Now If I can just start to get rid of the boxes of obsolete hardware cluttering up the room I would be set.

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